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Granting Last Wishes of the Terminally Ill

By: Elizabeth Grace - Updated: 23 Feb 2025 | comments*Discuss
Terminal Illness Support Wishes Happy

Those who are helping a loved one with a terminal illness often hope to offer more than love and support; they also want to understand the person’s last wishes in order to grant them some happy moments. There’s a feeling of urgency when time is short, so fulfilling the dying wishes of a friend or family member often becomes a top priority.

Unfulfilled Dreams of the Terminally Ill

Most people have a list of things that they hope to do “someday,” but for those with a terminal illness, someday may never come. Of course, no one, even the healthiest amongst us, can know how much longer we will live, but once someone has been made aware that their time is limited, their unfulfilled dreams may take on a new importance. “Someday” has to be right now. Those closest to a terminally ill patient may want to inquire as to any wishes that have yet to be fulfilled and then offer their support in trying to give their loved one a chance to achieve their goals.

Organisations that Grant Wishes for the Terminally Ill

There are a number of organisations that strive to grant last wishes for terminally ill children and adults. Some of these are quite well-known and can be quickly located by performing an Internet search using the words, “granting wishes for the terminally ill.” Other, smaller groups may be available, too, but may not be quite as easy to locate. Sometimes, churches, civic organisations, and other local groups unite to raise funds for a member of their community, in order to allow them to experience their dreams and leave their loved ones with happy memories.

Simple Wishes

When we think of helping someone with a terminal illness to fulfil their last wishes, we often envision extravagant holidays, visits with celebrities, or wildly adventurous experiences, but for many, their wishes are quite simple. Many people hope to have a family reunion, go on an aeroplane ride, ride a horse, learn to play a musical instrument, or other such uncomplicated experience. None of these wishes would be especially difficult or expensive to achieve, but they would require some planning. Only by asking someone with a terminal illness what they’d still like to experience can loved ones begin to make arrangements to grant those last wishes. Most people are eager to be helping someone find as many happy moments as possible, but they just don’t know where to begin.

Making Peace and Tying up Loose Ends

Some last wishes have nothing to do with experiencing new things, but instead are all about achieving peace of mind. Family squabbles, long lost loves, and unexpressed emotions can leave people feel uneasy, worried that they will leave without tying up important loose ends. For others, their concerns are for their survivors and assuring that they will leave their loved ones with sufficient finances to support them throughout the bereavement period and beyond. Finally, some only feel a sense of peace once they’ve seen to their funeral and burial arrangements, choosing to personally preplan their services.

Last wishes of the terminally ill are likely to be as unique as the individuals themselves, with no two people hoping for exactly the same experience. In the end, what matters most is that terminally ill patients are given opportunities to express their desires and then to be offered caring support from those that matter to them the most.

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My husband Steve is 50 years old fell ill last year had major operation and we got told the devastating news that he had terminal cancer stage 4 Colon cancer that had spread to liver and bladder and only given weeks but is still here and fighting . He loves food and always been a chef all his life I would love for him to go to London and try gordon ramsay food would be amazing as he's a big fan
Bigman - 23-Feb-25 @ 12:23 PM
I have pancreatic cancer with mets to the liver and stomach lining I would love it if I could have my garden finished for my wife was wondering if this could be possible as she has been a godsend to me throughout this diagnosis and she’s just found out her brother also has cancer in the lung just one less thing for her to worry about.
Riggs - 16-Jan-25 @ 10:56 PM
Good evening my name is Siobhan and I was wondering if you could help my mums wish come true. My mum has just been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and giving a short time to live. Her wish would be to have her back garden all done so she can spend the time she has left with her husband, kids and grandkids to make as many memories as she can.
Siobhan - 4-Apr-24 @ 6:46 PM
Can you please help make my nans wish come true never experienced nothing like this before . Nd I dont no what to do because she's terminal.At the monet she's not in pain but I would like to do something before she's bedbound an in pain please help
Me - 17-Jul-23 @ 4:05 AM
I’d love to go to Jamaica it’s something I can only dream of
Rie - 7-Jun-21 @ 7:04 PM
My husband ha been diagnosed with terminal cancer , he is desperate to make some magical memories with our children aged 12 and 8. He loves the outdoors so something like an adapted cabin / cottage( he’s in a wheelchair as mobility very limited) in the lakes would be a dream come true
Faye - 15-Feb-21 @ 12:22 PM
Hi I would like to go on holiday please I'm terminal ill
Bling - 13-Oct-20 @ 1:27 AM
Hi iv been searching online for charities not money... Iv been told to try yourself... My best friend Stephanie is terminal at 36 years old with young children on her own... All care has been put in place for end of days but now the council are looking into building a extrnsion... Its a lovely thought but she doesn't want that all she wants is a lift to her bedroom were she can sleep rest and here the childrens laughter and arguments.... It will cost half the money for a lift compared to a extension that they will provide... Shes deteriorated alot and not sure what time we have left... Iv watched her cry her energy out to me she just wants a lift.... With covid going on shes so scared she wont get the extension that she doesnt want but more scared her voice and time left wont be heard... Is there anyway you can help x
Kirsty - 11-Oct-20 @ 9:17 PM
Good afternoon my name is Juanita I am a two-time breast cancer survivor and now I have throat and lung cancer stage 4 I just hope the new chemo I started to give me a little more time to spend with my family and loved ones do not know what to expect when you know that you're dying but try to put everything in order so I said to myself Get Up Stand Up and don't get up the fight I've been saying that for the last 34 years two-time breast cancer survivor I know I can survive this to with some of yours I hope and pray but I know when my time is up I know the good Lord taking me home and my last which would be the be with my grandkids and my family have a one great weekend having fun laughing I remember all the good times we had together that would be my last wish may God bless everyone stay strong and may God bless each one of you Juanita Get Up Stand Up and don't give up the fight
Survivor - 18-Sep-20 @ 8:18 PM
How do l get to give a dear friend a visit to a local racing stables, he has just found out he has terminal cancer of the pancreas and only has a short time left Sue
Sue - 18-Sep-20 @ 6:54 PM
How do l get to give a dear friend a visit to a local racing stables, he has just found out he has terminal cancer of the pancreas and only has a short time left
Sue - 18-Sep-20 @ 6:53 PM
I'm terminally I'll and would like a holiday please 07411050666
Bling - 17-Sep-20 @ 2:46 AM
I have cervical cancer was given 12 months am still here I wanted a wish to be granted to go to Canada with my family thanks
Sha - 2-Sep-20 @ 9:50 PM
Hello, Absolutely heartbreaking to have to be writing this, but my friends husband has been given the news today that his cancer is terminal. He has bowel cancer and it has spread to his lungs. Unfortunately they did not catch it in time and the chemo treatment has been unsuccessful. I was just wondering if I could speak to my friend about his wishes and hopes then maybe he could fulfill these. I know time is limited so really wanted to try and give them some memories to cherish. They also have a 6 year old son, which after many years of trying through IVF they were blessed. As you can imagine he will need to have time with his Dad and memories to hold on to. I hope you can help! They have been unable to claim for any help with finances, as my friend has already had cancer and beaten it. Thank you, Donna Evans
Donna - 5-Aug-20 @ 3:27 PM
Looking for help with a friend with lady wish requests as she has terminal cancer
Andrea - 17-Jul-20 @ 11:36 AM
Hi I’m looking for so help with granting my friend a last wish as she has been diagnosed with terminal cancer in both lungs and liver and she has been given 6 months to live. Hope to hear back from you Many thanks
Andrea Sawdyke - 17-Jul-20 @ 11:34 AM
Hi my mum has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and we are looking yo give her the gift of a family 4 night short break as we live in scotland and my 2 brothers and their families live in London and Newhaven. She would be over the moon to havea short break with all the Family together at the one time. We would be looking for this between 3 and 9 August . There would be 16 adults and 1 2 year oldin total.We would be most grateful for any help towards this.
Noddy - 1-Jul-20 @ 9:58 AM
Hi , I'm new & confused, I was diagnosed with having a cup cancer in my lung on dec13th the day before my 27th wedding anniversary,(so not a fantastic anniversary)we didn't know at the time what a cup cancer was , it's a secondary cancer off unknown prime,they still cant find the primary cancer ,at the time I was given 8months to a year with treatment, I've started myat the start off January 2020 ,anyway as you would guess we didn't have a great Christmas for my family we didn't tell our twin girls (11yrs old ) about it till after Christmas, it was one off the hardest things to do,it broke my heart, . Any it's all about making happy memories now & I was wondering if you could possibly make one off my wishes come true ? It's to spend some quality time with my family in a caravan somewhere nice to relaxe with the girls & my wife, I would like to say a big thank you in advance.
Willie - 24-Jan-20 @ 9:34 PM
I'm 56,married,I have the unfortunate luck of having 2 different stage 4 metastatic cancers,prostate & pancreatic I recieve hormone therapy for one and and a horrible 6 hour 5 bag chemo regiment every other week, the doctor gives me 12 to 18 months,this was Oct 2019., I'm not Catholic but my wife and I watch every documentary on the Vatican city and the pope,we dream of being able to afford a trip there with all the trimmings, tours to see the art and the grandure. And touring the rest of Rome I've accepted some dreams don't come true.
Tony - 1-Jan-20 @ 4:57 PM
Hi I have a friend who is in the last few months of his life , maybe 6 months or so He has battled cancer for the last 12 years and now his body is riddled with the disease , he is such a lovely Man , he is a father & husband. He absolutely loves Phil Collins and this is a request directly to Phil Collins or genesis , is there any greeting you can send him to thank him for his support of you all his life . Thanks
Robin - 25-Dec-19 @ 12:27 AM
Hi my friends father in law is in the last stage of cancer and dont know if he will be here for xmas and he would love someone on Christmas morning to dress up as Santa for his 3 young grandchildren to go round and tell them granddad sent him as he now in heaven it really sad but this is the only thing he wants please can any one help
Nicky - 19-Oct-19 @ 9:15 PM
Hi all, my dad has an on going fight with prostate cancer and cancer in his bones. He has been through chemotherapy for the prostate, and had started radium for the terminal cancer in his bones but been told it isn't working so treatment has stopped. He has found out that he cannot have any more treatment as his body is not strong enough to cope. He is now currently in a position where unless he gets his strength back there is nothing that can be done. Although he does not have a bucket list as such, I would just like for him to experience new things and live life to the full because we do not know how long he has left. He has been mentally destroyed through this fight and I'd just like to see him happy. If anyone can help in any way please contact me. Thanks for your time.
Jon - 22-Sep-19 @ 2:03 PM
I was wondering if you would be able to help. My dad (62) Tonyhas metastatic advanced prostate cancer. This has spread to the bones in his spine, ribs, forehead and right femur. My dad has always wanted to go to the island sark: Sark is a part of the Channel Islands in the southwestern English Channel, off the coast of Normandy, France. It is a royal fief, which forms part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with its own set of laws based on Norman law and its own parliament. It has a population of about 500. Sark has an area of 2.10 square miles. My mum and I are unable to pay for him to go and this is the only thing he wants to do. He’s always wanted to experience life without cars and traffic no street lights and seeing all the stars in the sky. He is desperate to go. If you would be any help please get back to me. Or give me some advice on what I can do or other people who can help.
Libby - 20-Sep-19 @ 5:11 PM
Hi , my mum is 55 on October the 8th and I really really need to get her to the northern lights . She was diagnosed 10 years ago with stage 3b ovarian cancer . Over the years she's had 5 lots of major surgeries where they have had to remove various secondary infected internal organs (liver / bowel etc ) and she's never complained once ... she has under gone 16 different bouts of chemotherapy and 4 radiotherapy all whilst raising her 4 young granddaughters whose mother sadly passed away ..over the last 3 years she's been to sick (or just had surgery) to see the northern lights and now this year is very important that she does as we've had the news today that we're coming to the end and there nothing more to offer except support. Please make her wish come true or point me in the right direction on where to help as I'm desperate for her to fulfill her top of the buck list dream x
Gem - 20-Sep-19 @ 3:34 AM
My granddaughter has been diagnosed with brain stem cancer.In the Spring she was given 6 months to a year to live.Lexi is 21 years old, loves animals and mostly competing with her horse in Wisconsin. When I asked her what she always wanted to do, she replied:Go to the Houston TX rodeo.It might be in December. I am hoping someone can grant her last dream.Thank you! Barb Zegar 651-354-9992.My email address is above.
Lexi - 28-Aug-19 @ 5:46 PM
We are a family who has just heard the devastating news that one of our sisters has terminal cancer and 6 months ago was given 12 months to live. We are a very close family so I would just like to tell you a bit about Joy our sister. She is 58 years old and has always been the person who looks after everyone else growing we had a brother with Muscular Dystrophy she was always the one to care of him the most, from school she worked at Lee Castle Hospital for handicapped children and Adults. When her first child was born he was 2 months early as a result suffers with Cerebral Palsy he has gone through many operations but is now with her help a strong adult who works and owns his own property . Joy wants to re-new her wedding vows and we are looking for a plain white wedding dress accessoriesshoes etc the weddings is on the 14th of September 2019 so 3 weeks time due to the time restraint any suggestions?
Gloria - 27-Aug-19 @ 8:30 PM
My partner has terminal pancreatic cancer, our 2 youngest are blackpool fc fans we travel when we can, I would love for them to share an stadium and meet the player to create special memories for our children, he is also an lifelong alice Cooper fan, and has always wanted to meet him, if either would be possible it would mean so much to us as a family
Twinkletoes77 - 20-Aug-19 @ 9:29 AM
Hi My father has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The hospital can give him no treatment, they reckon he only has 2 to 3 months to live. The top off his bucket list is to have a tour round Glasgow Rangers Ibrox park with his 2 grandsons. Is there anything you can do to help this dream come true. Regards John
Jock 1943 - 15-Jul-19 @ 7:36 PM
My uncle has just been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer has been given 6 months to live there’s nothing doctors can too has it’s too advanced.Would love to be able to give him and my Aunt one last little break to the seaside making lasting memories please can you help
Nicky - 6-Jul-19 @ 3:25 PM
My uncle has just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer been given 6 months to live has there’s nothing they can do for him . Would love for him and my Aunt to be able to go on one last seaside holiday to make precious memories whilst he’s still able to please can you help
Nic19 - 6-Jul-19 @ 3:22 PM
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